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All the News and photos of World Vaishnava Asociation:
World Vaishnava Association Seva
The World Vaishnava Association Serving all the Vaishnava Missions in Navadwip. Meetings, Festivals and Seva Projects is sharing on: http://www.vina.cc/news/
Serving the Sanyasis and Bramacaris the WVA and VINA assistance office help with them Internet works.
New Temple in Mayapur
The First week of May 2011 was the Inauguration of the new temple of His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Kumud Santa Goswami Maharaj in Sridham Mayapur.
Sri Sri Radha Damodar Gourahari are worshiping here.
Srila B. Bharati Maharaj the Math in-charge.
Vaishnavas from all the maths came for the celebration.
The holy asana of HDG Srila Bhakti Kumud Santa Goswami Maharaj
This beautiful temple is localized in Isodyan Sridham Mayapur
Sri Sri Hanuman take care the temple
Founder & Present Acharya:- Srila Bhakti Kumud Santu Goswami Maharaj
Math In Charge:- Sril Bhakti Vichar Varti Maharaj
Deity:- Sri Sri Radha-Damodar Gourahari
Prasadam:- By any type of donation. Lunch at 12pm diner at 8:30. Confirm before 9am for lunch & for diner before 5pm
Address: Ishodyan, Sri Mayapur, dist:- Nadia, State:- West Bengal, India, Postal Pin Code:- 741313
Phone:- +913472245109 / +919474422532
More Info and photos:
More Info and photos:
50th Sannyas Celebrations of Srila Bhakti B. Tirtha Maharaj the
World Vaishnava Association President and Maha-Arati
Visva Vaisnava Raj Sabha Program Gourpurnima 2011
Friends of Mayapur Program
Friends of Mayapur WVA Cleaning program
Previously, India was the best recycling nation, with leave plates and clay cups.
But with the inundation of plastics, in form of bags, cups and plates, now even the holy places are inundated with filth.
The holy dham is inundated by plastic.
We have choose some of those Holy Places to show an example that clean we can be and how different the atmosphere is when the Holy Place is clean.
Subal Prabhu From Jhanavi Kunja Gaudiya Math and the pujari of Yogapith talking about holy dham's restoration.
We are printing some flexes and frills we invite the people to deposit the garbage in bags and pots with can be collected. In many cases our volunteers collecting garbage, local people join in with enthusiasm.
Yogapith, Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu Birth Place in Mayapur
Friends of Mayapur members and volunteers in this beautiful journey.
Cleaning program
Bhaktisidhanta Road, Ganga beach, the G
audiya Maths and different holy places is cleaning weekly by Friends of Mayapur and volunteers.
Rasa Purnima festival
Bhaktisidhanta road, Friends of Mayapur presented two days of conferences, community service...
Ecologic videos ...
and free Mahaprasadam distribution.
Cleaning the holy Dham
Our Seva
Bhaktisidhanta Road clean every day
Gour Hari Das Ecological Garden Education and Charitable Dumping Ground in charge
For this purpose the Visva Vaisnava Raj Sabha and the Sarasvat Gaudiya Vaisnava Acaryas have joined together to take this important message to the entire world.
Be part of the solution. Be part of the Dham development.
Friends of Mayapur.
Contact us (+91) 8972317376
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur appearance Day
of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura
181 Manikatal Street Bhakti Bhavan
1. You have asked me for the details of my life. Whatever I am able to remember I have written down on paper for you. Please see that you do not misuse this story.
Srila Bhakti Rakhak Narayan Maharaj & Gaudiya Sanyasis start the Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur appearance festival 2010.
2. I was born in Sakabda 1760 on the 18th day in the month of Bhadra in my maternal grandfather's home situated in the village of Ula [or Ulagram] also known as Birnagar.Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur appearance festival 2010.
3. [Horoscope was originally appended.]
4. My birth corresponds to the following: Sakabda 1760; Sri Gaurabda 352; Christian Era, 2nd September 1838; Bangabda 1245.
World Vaisnava Association
Visva Vaisnava Raj Sabha Ki Jay!
5. As Birnagar was famous within the Bengal region as a wealthy village so was my maternal grandfather, Sri Isvara Chandra Mushtophi also famous as a prosperous landowner. His extraordinary liberality was known in many parts of the region. People used to come from all over the countryside to see his famous palace. In the district of Nadia the village of Birnagar [Ula] was known to be especially wealthy and happy.
Surabhi Kunja, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur's home. Very high spiritual place.
Srila Bhaktivedanta Abadutta Maharaj Surabhi Kunja math's Acarya.
6. I was born a descendant of Purushottama Datta, a Kanyakubja Kayastha. Among the five Kayasthas who came to the Gauda region at the invitation of King Adisura, namely, Makaranda Ghosh, Dasaratha Vasu, Kalidas Mitra, Dasaratha Guha and Purushottama Datta, Sri Purushottama Datta was the foremost. His community was settled at Baligram. Later on some individual in his lineage settled in Andulagram and became known as the chief of all the Kayastha community.
Original hand writing of Saranagati
7. Sri Govinda Saran Datta was the 17th descendant from Purushottama Datta. Govinda Saran, giving over to his brother Hari Saran all the property of Andulagram, and having established a village called Govindapur on one bank of the Ganges through the generosity of the sultan of Delhi, made his residence there. In time Govindapur fell into the hands of the British and was converted into a fort [Fort William]. Thereafter, in exchange, the Datta family was given land at Hatakhola where they built a new settlement. From that time on the Datta family became known as the Hatakhola Dattas.
Srila Bhaktivedanta Abadutta Maharaj teaching about Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur's family.
8. The 21st descendant from Purushottama Datta was the greatly famous Madanmohan Datta. He was foremost among the Hatakhola Dattas and known as a very religious man. All the residents of Bengal were aware of his famous works at Pretasila Hill in Gaya and at other places. My paternal grandfather, Rajavallabha Datta, was the grandson of Madanmohan Datta. Somehow or other Rajavallabha lost all of his wealth.
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur's Seva Meditation
8b. My mother was [called] Srimati Jaganmohini. She was possessed of intellect, straightforwardness, and devotion to my father; it can be said that there was no one like her. My grandfather was robbed of all his belongings, so my father expressed a desire to go to Orissa. My grandfather said to him, "You come and see first, then after some time you can come to Orissa with your family." 8c. The village known as Choti Govindapur was situated on the bank of the river Virupa within the district of Cuttack in the state of Orissa. In that village my father and grandfather had their residence. His wealth was that village and other villages close by. When Raya Jagannatha Prasada Ghosh Mahasaya died there was no heir except for my father. Therefore, all of the property left by [Raya Jagannatha Prasada Ghosh] became the wealth of my father. While the vast wealth of my grandfather was undisturbed there was no desire on the part of my father and grandfather to secure it. Thus, after the demise of Rai Jagannatha all of the property remained in the hands of his Khanajat servants, of whom Ramahari Dasa was the chief. That servant took possession of everything.
Harinam Sankirtan with all Mayapur Asrams
8d. At the time my grandfather and grandmother, who were destitute in Calcutta, went to Chotimangalpur, but Ramahari Dasa, being disobedient, did not give up control of the property. On account of that, my father had to go there for almost three years until the end of the lawsuit. When my grandfather and grandmother moved from Calcutta to Orissa my father and mother moved to Ulagram taking Abhayakali, their first born, [with them].
During the time of their residence in Ulagram my elder brother Kaliprasanna was born. After remaining in Birnagar a few days my father went to Orissa and the request of my grandfather. The servant Ramahari Dasa would not give up the property unless my father was present.
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur's Bhajan Kutir
9. Speaking [as above mentioned], my grandfather Rajavallabha requested my father to leave Ulagrama and come to Orissa for some time. I was only a few months in the womb when my father set out for Orissa. During the time he was staying in Orissa, my father received news of my birth. After the litigation was over we took possession of the property, therefore my father was delayed a long time from returning from Orissa.
Acaryas from Gaudiya math, ISKCON and other Vaisnava's Missions celebrating Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur's appearance day.
10. My mother said that after my birth, she suffered labour pains for two or three days. When I was [being] born an astrologer sat marking the time with an hourglass. Also an English account of the time was kept. My maternal grandfather had incomparable wealth and a grand estate. There were hundreds of male and female servants. When I was born I was a good weight.
Srila Jayapataka Swami speaking about Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur and his teachings.
I had an older brother named Abhayakali, who had previously died. A second brother, Kaliprasanna, was still living. I was my father's third son. It was said that of all my brothers I was a little ugly. But my mother said, "Very well, let this boy be the servant of the rest, just let him live a long time."
End of first capitule of SVALIKHITA JIVANI [Autobiography]
of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura.
Sripad Pankajanghi Prabhu, Sri Candrodaya Mandir's Pujari and Ram Bhakta Hanuman Prabhu, Jhanavi Kunja Gaudiya math President.
Acaryas and representatives of all Navadwip Vaisnava missions worship together to Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur in his Bhajan Kutir.
September Friends of Mayapur 2010 meeting
But with the inundation of plastics, in form of bags, cups and plates, now even the holy places are inundated with filth. We have choose some of those Holy Places to show an example that clean we can be and how different the atmosphere is when the Holy Place is clean. We are printing some flexes to invite people to deposit the garbage in bags with can be collected. In many cases our volunteers collecting garbage, local people join in with enthusiasm. In the case of the kundas - lakes, we also clean inside the water, and the amount of garbage surfeits from the ground. This is just a humble effort to fulfil the vision of cleanliness top by our spiritual teacher.

Jhanavi Kunja Gaudiya Math Sridham Mayapur
Dharma & Science messages, Original Kingdom.
Gour Hari Das Friends of Mayapur Member and Charitable Dumping Ground in charge & Subal Das from Vrinda Mission Mayapur expose a didactic video about Mayapur garbage.
We invite all our friends of the world who have been blessed by him in one way or another to help us make this place cleaner, green and free of the influence of the age of Kaliyuga.
For this purpose the Visva Vaisnava Raj Sabha and the Sarasvat Gaudiya Vaisnava Acaryas have joined together to take this important message to the entire world.
Be part of the solution. Be part of the Dham development.
Friends of Mayapur.
Contact us mayapur@ecoyogavillages.org
World Vaisnava Association tools
ending with a great Bhagavan Prasadham.
Mayapur Dham Ki Jay!
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